Sunday, January 16, 2011

Brainy Bunch Learning

Hi Everyone!  I wanted to check in with you- from Napa, California!  I've been here since Thursday evening, for additional "brain training" from Pat Wolfe.  We spent the first day with Pat herself, updating us on some of the new information she has added to the 2nd Edition of her book, Brain Matters.  Yesterday, we learned from Dr. Stephen Hinshaw, a leading neuroscientist and researcher of ADHD.  He was fabulous and I learned so much.  The trick will be reviewing my notes and studying them within the next 2 or three days, and figuring out how to articulate a few of the key findings.

Today, we are going to learn from Dr. David Amaral, who is a leader in the field of Autism spectrum disorders.  I feel so lucky to be a part of this group!  There are about 40 of us here this week, so we are able to ask questions of our presenters, and really learn! 

I love it!   More later!

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