Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Blogging between now and February 17, 2011

I've decided to try my hand at blogging!  My intent is to use this venue to maintain a connection to all of you BBLers between now and the next time we meet in mid-February.  I'm not going to give you a new assignment to do between now and then, but hope that you will use our time apart to work on the assignments that we discussed on the first day of class.  These would be:

1)  Try out the Sampling strategy with your students, and then post a reflection about your experience on the "Sampling" page of our Wiki.

2)  Create a 'synthesis sheet' that pulls together the concepts about the brain that are most meaningful to you-  and then post your creation on the "Synthesis Sheet" page of our Wiki.

3)  Read one self-selected "brain book" and post a reflection on the "Book Reflection" page of our Wiki.

Completing those tasks, formulating ideas for your final showcase-day project, and oh yes, teaching- will keep you plenty busy over the next few months.  But... I don't want to deprive you of new information about the brain, just because we won't be meeting for awhile!    :-)   So... I'm going to use this blog to keep you posted on what I'm hearing and/or reading in the news about the brain.  I'll make brief but (hopefully) frequent posts to this blog that will keep you updated.  You may respond to any of my posts, but you need not respond to all of them. I will include links to articles or websites whenever possible.  If the topic I'm blogging about raises a question, please post it.  Or... if YOU come across any "brain in the news" topics and want to share them, feel free to respond to my posts at anytime with your own topics.

Please "follow" my Brain in the News Blog, so that you'll know when a new post has been made.  This is the first time that I've tried this- using a blog to stay connected during these long winter months apart.  My hope is that when we come back together in February, that it will be easier to pick up where we left off.   

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